
Getting Ready for learning

All classes begin each year with a two-week program on establishing a positive learning culture with consistent expectations across the school. The Getting Ready for Learning program focusses on developing shared values, attitudes, skills and community goals that will prepare the class and school for success. All learning activities are designed to develop the theme. Home-School links are an integral part of this process which is continually reinforced and revisited.

Teaching and learning

All teachers use the Australian Curriculum to plan, teach, assess and report in:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)- Geography, History, Civics and Citizenship Years 3-6, Economics and Business Years 5-6
  • The Arts- Drama, Dance, Music, Visual Arts, Media Arts
  • Technologies- Digital Technologies, Design and Technologies
  • Health and Physical Education (PE)

We currently have specialist teachers in Spanish, The Arts and Physical Education.

Ensure teaching methodologies incorporate the most recent evidence and understandings about learning and teaching that maximize student engagement and achievement.

Learning Support

Programs are established to support children with specific learning needs and we also provide a range of programs to support individual and group wellbeing.